Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog
Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog
The Internet is a great place to find new followers and fans, but it’s also a good way to drive traffic to your blog. This is what the SEO Company Halifax belives in when it come to getting the desired ranking.
There are lots of different ways you can do this—from publishing new content, to promoting ads in other places online.
Here’s how:
Refresh and republish your content
The first step as per SEO Company Halifax to driving traffic to your blog is to refresh and republish your content.
- Find content that is getting traffic, then republish it. This can be as simple as copying an old page from the past and updating it with the most recent information. If you don’t have a lot of time available, consider using an article distiller tool.
- Find content that isn’t getting enough traffic yet but should be—and rewrite it! Reusing existing blog posts can save money by reducing production costs and allowing for faster turnaround times before hitting publish on other platforms like Facebook or Twitter (which may mean higher engagement rates overall).
Create shareable images
You can use images to drive traffic to your blog. The best way is by creating shareable images that are eye-catching, not plain. This will help you get more shares from social media and help people find your content when they’re browsing through their feeds.
- Use clear and relevant images: If possible, choose a picture that’s related to the topic of your post and makes sense when seen in context with other posts on the same topic (i.e., if someone sees an image that says “I’m going skiing this weekend,” then they’ll know what kind of article it belongs).
- Consider size: Make sure there isn’t too much space between each letter in an acronym or word (like “IMHO”). Try keeping text small enough so people can read it easily but also large enough so they feel like they’re getting value out of looking at it!
Promote content in communities
- Use social media. You can promote your content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
- Don’t forget about forums! Many communities have their own discussion boards where people discuss topics related to what you write about in your blog.
- Promote on Reddit – You can also promote your content by posting directly onto Reddit itself (which is an immensely popular message board website).
Run ads
To drive traffic to your blog, as per SEO Company Halifax you can use Facebook ads. You can also use Google Adwords and Pinterest ads. LinkedIn and Twitter are other SEO Halifax options for driving more traffic to your site.
Instagram and YouTube are also popular platforms for driving traffic to blogs because of the ease with which people post videos on these platforms!
There you have it — proven ways to drive more traffic to your blog.
We hope that these tips will help you boost your website’s traffic and get the most out of your content.